Well we are now officially 2/3’s done with garage sales, huzzah! Todays take was just north of $250 which puts the grand total at around $752.00, too bad thats also the price for a gallon of gasoline right now. Surprisingly enough having a garage sale on a Friday isn’t as bad an idea as I thought it might have been, the turnout was actually better than last week on a Saturday. My guess is there are less garage sales to compete with on a Friday. We actually had a time when the garage was completely full of people which was kinda nice to see so much of it going.
Sunday is our last garage sale when everything will be out there including all the furniture we are currently using including the bed i’m sleeping on (i’ll be moving to the basement couch which is staying with the house since dad doesn’t want to move that beast out of the basement.) Then it’s on to cleaning the house which is scheduled to be completed by Thursday at the latest.
Not much else going on around here, i’m looking forward to Macinac island which we will hopefully get to visit. We are also going to the northern part of Wisconsin to see where my dads grandparents grew up.